What is Philosophy? "Embracing Wisdom: The Transformative Power of Philosophy in Life

What is Philosophy? "Embracing Wisdom: The Transformative Power of Philosophy in Life


In this blog we will talk about philosophy. What is philosophy?

The use of the word philosophy was made by Pythagoras many years before Age. Philosophy is a combination of the Greek word philo plus sophia which means love of wisdom. We will talk about wisdom in a little while, before that we know some other things like philosophy of many types, Eastern philosophy, Western philosophy, Indian philosophy, all of them have the same main purpose.

Socrates' Philosophy: Inquiry, Critical Thinking, Wisdom vs. Knowledge Evolution

Socrates, who was a great philosopher, is called the father of Western philosophy. Socrates' teachings were carried forward by his students Plato and Xenophon through their writings on the under-fundamental questions of philosophy such as existence, knowledge, value, reason, and related questions. And asking questions about all of them and then getting to their inserts through logic and facsimile is the main purpose of philosophy. Emphasis on asking questions, if something is, why is it or something is happening, why is it happening. Reasons behind them.

Philosophy encourages critical thinking and classic philosophical questions such as is it possible to know everything, and if so, can it be proven? There is something like will. Now we will talk about the system. Why is the system so important? First, let's see what is the difference between wisdom and knowledge. It is a witness that knowledge has been increasing from generation to generation. Be it in other ways, the nature of knowledge is to evolve with time. Knowledge can be easily acquired by any person through books and teachings. It cannot be heard anywhere.

Knowledge Speaks, Wisdom Listens, Philosophers Seek Understanding

Why are knowledge and wisdom compared? Essential knowledge teaches to speak and wisdom to listen. Sometimes knowledge makes a person arrogant but wisdom makes a person kind, patient and motist like a knowledgeable person sometimes considers himself and him superior. It seems that he does not even give a chance to the person in front of him to open up and is busy in soiling himself but the same other and if a wise person is sitting then he will listen carefully and will not try to soul himself because He has his insers or even if he doesn't, he focuses more on learning. Now the question is what do philosophers do? Philosophers gain wisdom. Life is a pity to live and to have no fear of death because it is not in our hands anyway. To be wise means to be free to ask questions without trusting anything heard.

Experience Life, Embrace Philosophy, Question Reality, Foster Wisdom

Understanding the nuances of life and appreciating the little things we often ignore, like feeling and enjoying the rain rather than simply getting wet and ignoring it. It means that in order to know wisdom, one will have to experience life. You cannot get wisdom without paying attention to reality. Now let's talk about the use of philosophy in real life. There are lies, but we accept them as truth and do not even try to ask questions, if so, why, because we are advised not to ask questions.

Most of the people in the society are told to do what they are doing, because of this we remain ignorant of our own experiences and we get into the habit of trusting what others tell us while in real life. We should encourage children to ask for help from childhood so that their downs start clearing from there and they don't have to blindly trust any nonsense but can decide with their common sense. What is right and what is wrong.

Philosophy Confronts Reality, Cultivates Personal Wisdom

Philosophy confronts reality, it helps to break the illusions of reason and logic that have been going on for a long time or are forced upon some people, then philosophy becomes more important in adult life. Doubts begin to arise in the things we have been told since childhood because our personal experiences are completely different from these things. Why is it happening or what is the purpose of my life? Philosophy helps a lot in finding the essence of these questions because now our focus is only on ourselves and not on comparison with others and when people focus on themselves. He takes it, then he starts to understand what is life's turn. In this way, a person gradually becomes wiser on the basis of life's experiences, but it should be taken care that in order to get wisdom, he should not rely on what he hears. After that decisions about right and wrong will have to be taken.

Challenge Norms, Embrace Wisdom Through Experience

Let's see an example: Spouse wants to do something career-wise in life in which you are interested or curious, but you are forbidden to do that thing and forced to do something that is not allowed in the society. Most people are doing it and you feel bad in this situation, but you have to question why it is like this, apply logic and common sense to see if those people are right. Be happy with the outcome of decisions or other people's decisions. It is up to you to think because it is live up to you. If you want to be a wise person you have to step out of your comfort zone and go through real life experience. You will have to try something new and listen to your own intuitions. You will not be able to gain wisdom by following only what you have heard throughout your life and being afraid of failure. Wisdom is found after going through difficult situations in life, and human It changes the whole perception

Philosophy: Question, Learn, Decide, Experience, Reflect, Grow, Persist, Adapt

Philosophy gives courage to move forward in difficult times in life and helps to reach the answers. Even if the answers are not found, something new can be learned. Through logic and reasoning, philosophy tells the difference between right and wrong. Therefore, ask as many questions as you can in life and try to find answers for yourself, because if you tell your life based on what others have told you, then one day when you look back, you will realise that you have done something of your own. Whatever you wanted to do, you would never try and spent your whole life believing what someone else said to be true.

Now it's up to you to decide whether you want to tell people what you learned from your own experiences looking back or pass on what you heard there. In the end, I'll just say that life is a journey that's an adventure. It is full of ups and downs, they happen in everyone's life, this is a feature of life, so don't panic, with time, all the problems will be solved, you just have to be patient, so stay motivated, do what your intuition tells you, because What happens in life happens for a reason.

Just Be Happy Thank you for reading.


Philosophy, at its core, is the love of wisdom—a transformative journey that challenges us to question, reflect, and grow. It bridges the gap between knowledge and wisdom, urging us to critically evaluate our beliefs and experiences. By embracing philosophy, we learn to navigate life's complexities with insight and courage, cultivating a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Ultimately, philosophy enriches our lives, offering clarity and purpose in the pursuit of truth.

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