From Celestial Catastrophes to Cosmic Navigation: Tracing Humanity's Relationship with the Stars

From Celestial Catastrophes to Cosmic Navigation: Tracing Humanity's Relationship with the Stars

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It was about four and a half hundred years ago, exactly this morning... that is, on January 23, a very terrible earthquake occurred in the Shaanxi province of China.

Most of the people in this province lived in houses like yaodongs, i.e. caves built in the mountains, and when the earthquake came, those caves collapsed.

One hundred thousand people died at the same time, but the fury that broke out after that... made this accident one of the biggest accidents in human history.

Reading the way this incident is recorded in the historical records of China makes one cringe and I am reciting the incident letter by letter from the annals of China.

In the winter of 1556, an apocalypse occurred, forty mountains were moved from their place, rivers changed their course, new land emerged in some places and the land itself disappeared from some places. There was, but there was no place where any of our houses were saved.

The magnitude 8 earthquake on the Richter scale was one of the worst earthquakes in human history ... craters 66 feet deep in some places and landslides wreaked havoc in some places.

But after the earthquake, the seven lakh people who were displaced... those poor people died of cold, hunger and disease and thus this calamity ended with the lives of eight and a half lakh people.

The reason for telling you about this earthquake is actually something else.

Gaspar da Cruz, a Christian priest from Portugal, was also present in China this year.

Gaspar wrote a book in 1569 called "a treatise of china" and in the last chapter of this book he has written a very interesting thing.

He writes that... "In the year 1556, God sent down a punishment on China and immediately after this punishment... a comet star rose and it seems that Dajjal is coming soon... "

Now this is a very interesting thing, what is the connection between the comet star and the punishment or Dajjal?

Before I tell you about this comet, the same star was also seen by Charles the 5th, a king of Austria, who said upon seeing it... Calling...

And after that, Charles left the throne and became a ... monk, that's why this star is sometimes remembered as the star of Charles the Fifth.

Then a picture of the same comet star is also made in an ancient document chronicles of Ivan the Terrible in the sixteenth century Russia, according to which the people of Russia believed that because of this star, a cruel king like Ivan imposed on us... has happened

Did you notice something?

That the sighting of comets has always been associated with troubles... and calamities.

Some time ago, during excavations in China, some ancient bones were found on which ancient religious symbols were engraved.

Today we call these bones oracle bones.

The signs and marks of comets are also made on these thousands of years old bones, which shows that humans have been observing these comets for thousands of years. It has been associated with some or the other problem such as flood, storm, fire, enemy attack or the death of a king etc.

When the comet star was seen in 1066, the people of England attributed it to the Norman conquest, that is, when England was conquered for the first time by the attack of the enemies.

When a comet was seen in 1666, it was blamed for the great fire in London, but after the comet was seen in 1618, regular pamphlets were printed in Europe that the doomsday was near.

Rather, I will tell you an interesting thing that in Europe, when a person fell ill, an Italian word was used for it, influenza della stella...that is, the effects of the stars on such and such a person...

And the interesting thing is that till today this word influenza means influence is being used and an example of it is flu.

Have you noticed how cultures around the world have been superstitious about the stars?

Then a question arises: how should we look at the stars?

After all, Allah, the Most High, has sworn by the stars that I swear by the retreating, moving and hiding stars... Verily, this is the saying of a great Messenger (Al-Takwir 81:15.19).

So how should we see the stars? What should we learn from them?

Allah has given the answer to this question and He has given it twice. Once in Al-An'am and once in Al-Nahl that We have created the stars so that people may find their way through them (Al-An'am 6:97, Al-Nahl 16:16).

And here begins the most interesting part of this article.

If I ask you a question, have you ever found your way by looking at the stars? So most likely your answer will be "No".

Because it is true that at the moment cars and ships are equipped with highly accurate GPS systems to find the way, after which the need to find the way through the stars is not felt.

So, will this verse of the Holy Quran be considered obsolete?

Never ... I always say that the Holy Quran ... is not a human word but it is written by a highly intelligent being and to understand it you also need to use your intelligence in multiple dimensions ... Will have to learn.

And now what I am going to tell you, you have to listen very carefully.

The oldest method of finding a way in the world is celestial navigation, that is, the method in which a person finds his position and location by looking at the stars, and in a clear night, the human eye can see more than six thousand stars.

Now this method of finding the way was also used by the Greeks and Romans and then by the Arabs, but in 1958 the nautical almanack office of England and the naval observatory of America together selected 48 clusters of stars in the night sky. did

And then, from these 48 clusters, they selected fifty-seven stars that were the brightest and brightest.

And these are the fifty-seven stars from which it is necessary for the captain of every ship to learn the skill of finding a way.

But apart from these fifty-seven stars, there are also 115 stars that only a master navigator is aware of. And by looking at these 115 you can find out not only your location anywhere in this world...and anywhere...but you can also find out the year, month, day and time.

Now it happened that in 1998, the US Naval Academy abolished this course because it was one of the most difficult non-engineering subjects... but they also felt that now we have modern technology, so now Why do we need to find a way through the stars?

But in 2015... when the navigation systems of ships and aeroplanes started getting jammed and then hacked... once again they had to reissue the celestial navigation course because the stars cannot be hacked. .. and neither does Jem.

But I told you that the real interesting thing is yet to be told.

At this time, the work of finding a way through the stars is being done in most space missions.

All exploration rovers sent to Mars are equipped with star tracking systems, through which the robots find their way through the stars into space ... and then through space to reach Mars.

And then they find their way through the stars and explore the entire Mars.

All spacecraft in space use the stars to check and correct their path.

Do you understand something?

Finding the way from the stars in the Qur'an does not mean that by God these verses have become outdated, but it means that go and find the way through the stars! Not only in this world, but in this great space... Go and explore new worlds in space through the stars, Go! And seek the signs of your Lord in this universe.

Now the Qur'an has told us to find the way through the stars.

But Hazrat Anas once heard him saying that three evils will always remain in my Ummah. The first evil is to be proud of one another in one's lineage, the second evil is lamentation, and the third evil is worshipping the stars (Al-Salsilah al-Sahiha 1028).

I wonder how the Qur'an actually explained how to use the stars on an intelligent level, but even today you will see a whole page in the news in which horoscopes are made using the stars and it is said that How will your week go?

But there was a person who sought his way through the stars according to the command of Allah.

You know that the sun is also a star by definition.

And there was someone who was travelling through the Sun... that is, a star.

First he reached the sun... that is, a star was sinking in the black mud.

Then he reached the place where the sun...that is, a star was rising.

Who was that person who was travelling through the sun...that is, a star?

Would you like to know who he was?

This was the person who is mentioned in Surah Kahf... the person who travelled to Gog and Magog.

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