“The Universe” Complete Information of the Universe


Even in this modern age of the 21st century, if you are asked how big is your house or a football field, you can easily tell how long and wide it is, but when it comes to the universe, then this concept also becomes difficult to do.

"From Earth to the Universe: Grasping Cosmic Scale through Light's Journey"

To understand the universe, we start from our earth, whose length is forty thousand kilometres, from which you can estimate how much this distance is for us ordinary humans, but the earth, which is so big for humans, is small compared to the universe. So we start with our natural satellite, the Moon, which looks very close to Earth, but is actually not as close as we think. The Moon is 384,000 kilometres from Earth, and light It also takes 1.3 seconds to reach the ground from there. Light is the fastest thing in the universe, whose speed no one can compete with. If you understand that light can make seven rounds around the earth in one second, then you must have estimated how high the speed of light is.

"From Lunar Gaps to Martian Miles and Voyager's Record Leap: Traversing the Astronomical Scales"

So now let's come back to the moon, whose distance from the earth is so much that 30 more earths can fit between the moon and the earth, but for one minute, this distance is nothing. If we talk about the neighbouring planet Mars, The distance from the earth is 200 million and 75 kilometres and the light also takes twenty minutes to reach the earth from there. Voyager 1, the human-made spacecraft, has travelled the farthest distance in the universe so far and its distance from Earth is 141 Astronomical Units. An Astronomical Unit is the distance between the Earth and the Sun, which means that Voyager 1 is 141 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun. 

"Voyager 1's Grand Journey: From Earth's Pale Dot to the Vastness Beyond in Millennia"

The spacecraft also took a remote image of the Earth, which you can see on the Internet, in which the Earth appears as a dot. Voyager 1 is moving through space at a speed of 17 kilometres per second, which is too fast to hear, but if it continues at this speed, it will not leave our galaxy for millions of years to come because from one end of our galaxy It takes 100,000 years for light to reach the other end. If we talk about the stars, the closest star to us is Proxima Centauri which is 4 light years away from Earth, which means it takes 4 years for light to reach it from Earth, but if Voyager 1 continues to move towards this star at the same speed. So after about 70 thousand years it will reach there.

"From Galactic Neighbours to the Laniakea Supercluster: Unveiling the Universe's Vast Scale"

This distance is nothing. If we talk about our galaxy, there are up to 200 million stars in our galaxy and some planet must be orbiting around each star, but wait! This is nothing compared to the universe. If you look outside our galaxy, you will see our neighbouring galaxy, which is twice the size of our own galaxy, but if you look even further out, you will find the Local Group. of Galaxies which contains 54 galaxies like our galaxy but if you look further you will find the Virgo Cluster which contains more than 100 groups of galaxies and this cluster is spread over 11 million light years but the universe So even bigger if you zoom out further into the universe you will find the Laniakea SuperCluster which is 5 times bigger than the Virgo Cluster meaning it spans 55 million light years but wait! 

"Beyond the Observable: Journeying from Laniakea to the Universe's Unknown Frontiers"

Zoom out on the Universe again and you'll find The Observable Universe, compared to which the Laniakea SuperCluster is a grain of sand, and that's the total part of the Universe we know of that we've just seen. What has been observed till now is only the universe that we know about. What we know about the universe is very little while we do not know the rest of the universe. The earth on which you and I exist is called the centre of the universe, which is not true, but with the earth at the centre, the observable universe extends for 9,300 million light years. The universe we talked about is only the observable universe, we do not know what lies beyond this universe.

Our universe is divided into two parts, one we call the Observable Universe, which is the part of the universe that we know, and the other is the Non-Observable Universe, which is the part of the universe that we do not know. Just as a person can stand on a building and see everything around him that he can see, but it does not mean that there is nothing more ahead, but there is much more ahead, but we cannot see it, it is beyond our reach.

On the other hand, according to the Inflation Theory, the Earth is as small compared to the Observable Universe as a virus is compared to our galaxy.


Our Earth has been declared as the centre of the Observable Universe, so the Observable Universe around us is 46 billion light-years. Over time we will learn more about the universe, and new charms of the universe will be revealed. God willing ...

Now let's talk about our main aspect. What does Allah Almighty say about this universe in the Holy Quran?

Surah No 46 : Surah Al Ahqaf - Ayat No 33


Did he not explain to them that Allah, Who created all the heavens and the earth, and created them did not tire Him in the slightest.


So you can guess by yourself that such a big universe, about which a person goes crazy, but our Allah did not even get tired in making it, such is my Lord.

Subhan Allah ... Allahu Akbar

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